Flutterwave Secures Switching and Processing License in Nigeria

Flutterwave, Africa’s leading payments technology company has been granted a Switching and Processing License by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)—widely regarded as CBN’s most valuable payments processing license. This license allows Flutterwave to offer transaction switching and card processing services to customers. Others include non-bank acquiring, agency banking and payment gateway services.

The Switching and Processing license allows Flutterwave to enable transactions between banks, fintechs and other financial institutions. The Company is also able to process card transactions, participate in agency banking and offer various payment services without any intermediary. Prior to this license, Flutterwave operated with its Payment Solution Service Provider (PSSP) and International Money Transfer Operator (IMTO) licenses.


About Flutterwave

Flutterwave is a leading African payments technology company that enables businesses across the world to expand their operations in Africa and other emerging markets through a platform that enables cross-border transactions via one API. Flutterwave has processed over 200M transactions worth over USD $16B to date and serves more than 1,000,000 businesses including customers like Uber, Flywire, Booking.com, etc. The Company’s key advantage is international payment processing in 150 currencies and multiple payment modes including local and international cards, mobile wallets, bank transfers, Barter by Flutterwave etc. Flutterwave has an infrastructure reach in over 34 African countries, including NigeriaUgandaSouth Africa etc. For more information on Flutterwave’s journey, please visit: www.flutterwave.com.

From https://www.prnewswire.com/

Google will give out $4M fund to 60 investable startups in Africa

Google will give out $4M fund to 60 investable startups in Africa through Startups Black Founders Fund .

Through the Google for Startups Black Founders Fund Africa, we are supporting early-stage, Black-founded startups on the continent. We want to bridge the existing fundraising gap for Black startup founders in Africa’s fast-growing technology landscape.

This non-dilutive $4M fund is allocated across a pipeline of 60 investable startups in Africa. Applications for the latest $4M Black Founders Fund in Africa are now open until May 31st (23:59 GMT). Find out more and apply below. Founders will receive up to $100K in equity-free cash, up to an additional $200K in Google Cloud Credits, and access to the best of Google—people, products, and practices.

Initiative impact

In 2021, the Google for Startups Black Founders Fund invested $3M into 50 Black led-startups in Africa. Since then, the selected startups have gone on to raise $73M+ in follow-on funding, hired more staff, and grown their revenues.

Who will apply

The black funders fund is intended for start ups led by founders who self identified as black and are based in Africa .

Visite source to apply through GOOGLE 

Applications to the fund are open until 31st May 2022


Fiber optics installation in Nigeria

Fiber optics installation in Nigeria

The installation of fiber optics in Nigeria has helped to improve the quality of life for the inhabitants of the country. It has enabled businesses to communicate better and be more productive while it has also improved internet speeds.

Fiber optics installation in Nigeria Fiber optics installation in Nigeria

Optical fiber is a transmission medium that carries light signals. This technology is an important part of the digital revolution, which has completely revolutionized communications and networking.

The first optic fibers were made out of glass and contained a light-emitting diode (LED) at one end and a photodetector at the other end. These fibers could only be used to transmit data on one direction: from the LED to the photodetector.

The invention of the laser in 1960 allowed for thinner, lighter cables to carry information on both directions; from LED to LED as well as from LED to photodetector. These cables were called optical fiber cables (OFC).

Optical fiber cables have helped with the efficiency of data transmissions. One of the most significant aspects of OFC is its ability to transmit so much more data in a shorter time than its predecessors.

When it comes to Fiber optics installation in Nigeria , Topsoftweb Solutions is an emerging company that cannot be overlooked .

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Chat with Olugbenga Agboola, CEO, Flutterwave

Chat with Olugbenga Agboola, CEO, Flutterwave

Olugbenga Agboola is co-founder and CEO of Flutterwave, a pan-African payments solutions business.


1. Describe one of the toughest situations you’ve found yourself in as a business owner.

As an entrepreneur, every day I’m fighting just to stay alive, to scale, and to grow. It’s like firefighting has become part of the job description.

In 2016, I faced one particularly tough situation, I was pitching Uber to be their payment processor in Africa. I was in San Francisco and nobody knew Flutterwave.

I didn’t know what Uber would say. I didn’t sleep for days, as I needed to figure out how we would execute if they came on board. We even had lingering doubts about whether we even had the right capital and skillsets. But after sending the proof of concept, they finally signed on. It was a crazy few days.Chat with Olugbenga Agboola, CEO, Flutterwave

2. What business achievement are you most proud of?

I’m most proud of having brought a group of people together to build an amazing company.

Every day I realise we’ve done a great deal of work in impacting lives, not just for our customers, but also for ourselves. Growing the company from one person to over 100 employees is like a miracle.

The company has grown so big that I don’t know everyone as I did in the past. I pride myself on knowing everybody’s names, what they do, their background. But it was at the moment after we reached the 100 mark that I realised we’re scaling so fast that I simply don’t know everybody. And that’s a good thing as Chat with Olugbenga Agboola, CEO, Flutterwave continues

3. Tell us about your greatest weakness as an entrepreneur.

My biggest weakness is assuming everybody thinks the way I think and assuming everyone can solve problems the exact way I want it solved.

I can hold multiple conflicting views in my head at the same time for the same problem. I don’t believe one answer can solve a problem; I believe you can have multiple answers to the same problem. So I get frustrated when people don’t see that there’s not only one way to solve a problem.

I think being deeply analytical can prevent this quality from negatively impacting our company. Before I take action, I might have thought about it a million times. I’m more analytical than action biased.

4. What conventional business wisdom do you disagree with?

I don’t believe that you need prior experience in something to do it well. I’ve seen instances with people who have extensive experience in a subject matter but perform the worst in that subject matter. And I’ve experienced instances with people who have zero experience do well because they’re generally curious. If you want to do something, just go for it.

Also, there are some things that you hear in the Valley about building a business that is often taken as a universal truth, but wouldn’t really work in Nigeria or other African markets. A key example is sacrificing revenue for growth. There’s no unlimited capital in Africa for entrepreneurs. You don’t have the chance to make a lot of mistakes, unlike folks in Silicon Valley.

I think maybe the next five, 10 years, it will be easier for new entrepreneurs to focus on actually building companies. At that point, hopefully, I’ll be a billionaire and have unlimited capital to invest in startups, and there’ll be more opportunities for younger folks to build without worrying about failure.

We have this massive opportunity in Africa, but what we need to do is build real companies, not focus solely on high growth.

5. Is there anything you wish you had known about entrepreneurship before you started?

Oh my God, maybe I should have taken that Microsoft job and be like my friends right now who are SVPs and making ridiculous amounts of money! I’ve stopped courting Microsoft but, if I were to go back in time, I would still go down this road.

The only advice I would give myself now is to say ‘no’ quicker than I did back when I started the business. I kept thinking that you have to be nice. But now I don’t think it’s worth it.

Overall I think it’s been a great journey. It’s been challenging. Nobody promised it would be easy, I taught myself that a long time ago. Nothing is going to be easy, but we are where we are, and we move on.

That is how the Chat with Olugbenga Agboola, CEO, Flutterwave ended

Flutterwave is one of the most important financial service providers in Africa today from the perception of global markets. It is now valued more than UBA, First Bank Holdings, Access Bank, Stanbic IBTC, and most banks except GTBank and Zenith Bank in Nigeria.

UBA – N239 billion

Access –  N275.475B

Stanbic – N444.240B

First Bank FBH – N260.241B


Feel free to browse through our Business Solutions :Software Development ,  Website design , Structured Cabling & Fibre , Bulksms , CCTV Installation , Digital MarketingManaged Service

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